The Back Story!

Performance-Based started as a thought that occurred to me, Warren F, while preparing what was to become the nursery for my first born son. After scrubbing the room clean with an onslaught of foul smelling, and probably toxic cleaning chemicals my wife and i had the “Eureka” moment.

The realization that all of the products that we had just used were probably terrible for our unborn child, for us, our pet and the environment as a whole.

Since I had been in affiliate marketing since 1998 the idea was clear to me. Start an affiliate network that focuses on green, eco,organic, sustainable merchants. I wanted to promote companies that shared the same vision.

Earn profit while being socially and environmentally proactive. Since the start of the network we have grown steadily and are now moving into programs that are cause based as another facet.

We have been building a network of “affiliates/publishers”. The affiliates place banners, text links, and blog about various goods and services in the hopes of making a sales commission from web based traffic that gets directed to the online shops such as yours.

Its a CPA, cost per action, relationship. If the affiliates referral turns into a conversion then the affiliate is paid a commission. If no sale is made from the lead that the affiliate generated then no commission is earned. We place 2 separate scripts on the merchant site that track the origin of our clicks and of referred sales.

The PageScript looks for a cookie placed by the affiliate links. The conversion script gets the 2 variables, the amount and orderID for the referring affiliate. If the click is not from an affiliate then no information is passed to the tracking server. No customer information is passed to the affiliate or the tracking back end. The customers information is yours alone.

Performance-based recruits, pays, and maintains the relationships with the affiliates. For managing the referral network Performance-Based gets a percentage of and on top of the affiliates payout. Your new affiliates would be acquired through a link from your site to the sign up page on Performance-Based.com web site. You as the merchant will be responsible for making banners in the standardized sizes that we utilize. Click here for the banner dimensions

The network is growing daily! We screen all affiliates before they are allowed to join as Network Publishers. Referral programs build and gain momentum over time. Its not an overnight explosion of orders like some people hope. Step one is to generate brand awareness with the affiliates/publishers. Then the increase in sales begins.